Complete Operating System control

Absolute freedom to run whatever Operating System you prefer

One of the limitations of virtual servers in comparison to dedicated servers is the Operating System itself – often, you are constrained to the Operating System choices offered by your service provider. However, with a KVM VPS you can select practically any Operating System that is supported by your server’s technical specs and the host server’s hardware components. This is possible due to the specific way in which KVM virtualization works. KVM is implemented straight into the host OS kernel, making it possible for virtual machines to communicate directly with the hardware, without the need for a supplementary communication layer, present in many other virtualization alternatives.
Complete Operating System control

NVMe–powered VPS Hosting Platform

A lot faster Virtual Private Servers with NVMe disks

Having an NVMe–driven web hosting server is a huge benefit as far as webpage optimization is addressed. A web site or an app located on an NVMe drive will open and operate noticeably faster as opposed to a site or an app managed on a regular hard disk drive. This is why, all our KVM VPS servers are pre–loaded with NVMe disks.

NVMe–powered VPS Hosting Platform

A notably improved resource usage

Effective use of server resources

Virtual Private Servers traditionally need an extra layer between them and the physical host server to take care of system resource administration. This implies a substantially curtailed amount of available system resources for the virtual machines themselves. With KVM, this extra layer is removed, since the virtualization platform itself is embedded into the host machine’s Operating System. That is why, all the resources that the physical host server is offering can be used by the KVM-powered virtual servers that have been set up. This system resource availability provides you with that extra advantage you require in order to make your websites and web applications stick out from those of your rivals.
A notably improved resource usage

A revolutionary server virtualization tool

A kernel-based virtual machine virtualization

The central benefit of the KVM virtualization platform lies in the fact that it’s integrated directly into the physical host machine’s OS, abolishing the necessity for any additional virtualization layers. This goes to say that there’s no need for an additional software program that rests between the host server and the virtual machines that have been configured. This also rules out the virtualization layer as a potential SPOF (single point of failure). All of this means faster and considerably more stable KVM VPSs as compared to other VPSs.
A revolutionary server virtualization tool

A Free Dedicated IP

A dedicated IP totally free with each VPS

With every single KVM VPS server, you’re going to obtain a dedicated IP address free–of–charge.

A Free Dedicated IP

A 99.9% Network Uptime

Top–class safety is warranted

Our server operators are working hard in partnership with the technical engineers at our data center in the USA to make available a reliable platform for your VPS. In the US data center we also use the top–notch components and safety software tools in the marketplace to guarantee a 99.9% uptime for your virtual system.

A 99.9% Network Uptime

VPS Hosting Service–level Warranties

99.9% networking uptime and twenty–four–seven assistance

Your KVM VPS server is secured by a group of service warranties. First and foremost, our skilled administrators will set up the web server for you within 1 hour after registration. Because we like to always provide you with the most advantageous cost available, we never charge you any set–up costs. In addition, we have built our own inside system because of which we can easily guarantee a 99.9% network uptime for your VPS. You can easily make full use of our 24x7 support employing any of the pre–installed in advance programs.

VPS Hosting Service–level Warranties

24/7 Support

We are online to help you out any time of the day or night

Your web page is offline at 2 o’clock at night and you have no idea what could have caused it? Our expert customer assistance team is on duty for you. You have to install various application on your VPS, but have not a clue how you can move forward with the installation? Our professionals can easily guide you with that. Weekends? We’re there for you. Holiday season? We are at your beck and call as well. That’s one of the pros of having a 24x7 support service. With a 60 min reply time frame warranty.

24/7 Support

Full Root Access to the Server to the Server

100% admission to to each aspect of your server

With total root accessibility to the KVM VPS server (with cPanel), you could easily grow to be an admin of your very own hosting server platform. Such admission lets you set up a Linux OS or revise the Apache server configuration. You can also mount all types of software applications and reboot the server anytime you like. By using the Installation & Troubleshooting package, you can easily give this hard work to our sys admins.

Full Root Access to the Server to the Server

No Cost Benefits

A completely free dedicated IP, a domain merchant account and a lot more

Obtain much more value for your bucks. With every KVM VPS server, you are able to get numerous free–of–charge extras – a dedicated IP address for your web page; a domain reseller account – in the event you want to jump into the web site hosting or domain name reseller market.

No Cost Benefits

No Setup Charges for Your VPS

We set–up the hosting server cost–free for everyone

The price of a KVM VPS server is higher than that of a normal cloud website hosting account due to the advanced virtualization technology it is based on. That’s why we do not charge you any configuration or system servicing prices. The final price of your KVM VPS server is the amount that you see stated on our store.

No Setup Charges for Your VPS

Features of Your VPS

Be in full control over your virtual hosting server system

Each of our KVM VPS servers is built with all the crucial attributes that you may need to be able to handle your media–intensive online presence. You’ll receive a choice of Operating Systems, a lot of memory space resources and a group of bonus software instruments, including a dedicated IP and also a domain reseller profile. Hence, no matter whether you choose to host 1 memory–demanding web page or a smaller application hosting server, or you want to in fact initiate your own private reseller web hosting firm, you will have everything that you need at hand.

Features of Your VPS

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Make money utilizing your server

Witness the power of the Ur Hidden Hosting hosting Panel in launching your own reseller web hosting brand easily. Employ the Manage Accounts feature to establish as many as 5 independent subaccounts, each ripe for selling to your preferred target market. Even if selling hosting isn't your main focus, using additional user accounts can efficiently balance out recurring expenses related to the server. Please note that while Managed Assistance packages are offered, help with billing matters or customer support is not within our capacity.

Hepsia Reseller Tools