Help Channels

  • Video Tutorials
  • Video Classes

  • Learn straight away the best way to change a document or import a database from our selection of step–by–step video classes.

  • F.A.Q.
  • A F.A.Q. Section

  • We will offer you a user–friendly Frequently Answered Questions section where you can easily find answers to the most often asked questions.

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  • Ticketing System
  • A Ticketing System

  • You can reach us at any time using the ticketing platform about any question that you may have about our products.

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Types of Help

  • Shared Hosting Support
  • Web Hosting Help & Support

  • If you have troubles working with our web hosting services or require more resources for your web pages, just let us know and we’ll give you the best tips and advices.

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  • VPS Hosting Support
  • VPS Servers Help And Support

  • In case that you encounter difficulties utilizing your SolusVM administration panel, or with any of the free web applications your VPS has been pre–configured with, just notify us.

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  • Dedicated Hosting Support
  • Dedicated Servers Guidance

  • You want to change the setup of your dedicated server? We are on duty 24x7 to provide support to you.

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  • Semi-dedicated Hosting Support
  • Semi-Dedicated Hosting Support

  • We have a staff of experienced experts in a position to help you with anything connected with your semi-dedicated server. They are on hand 24/7 all year long.
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