Through the Ur Hidden Hosting Online Control Panel, you will get live access to the hosting resources consumed by your web sites along with the site traffic that is generated from your visitors. The details are presented in a simple graphical user interface, on a per–day, per–week and monthly basis. In addition, you will find more information concerning our system like the actual IP address of the hosting server, the OS, the presently employed versions of PHP and MySQL and more.

Server Data

Details concerning your server

Inside the Server Specifics part of the Online Control Panel, you can get detailed information about the server your web hosting account is located on. You can check out the OS, the actual IP address along with the existing Perl/MySQL versions, get more details with regard to the setup Perl modules as well as the incoming and outgoing mail servers, watch the hosting server load, etc.

You can also find information about the PHP variation without the need to configure phpinfo files, etcetera.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Stats

Find info about your sites’ performance

Using the information gathered in the Access and Error Records part of the Online Control Panel, you’re able to find just about any possible problems with the general performance of your websites. The access logs will reveal all kinds of data files including texts, images and video clips that were reviewed from your visitors as the error listing will capture just about any cautions and glitches that have happened throughout their stay on your web site.

You are able to download the access and error record information for each of your working web sites from the Web Stats Manager part of your Online Control Panel.

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Traffic Statistics

Look into the traffic to your site in more detail

By way of the web stats applications incorporated into the Ur Hidden Hosting Online Control Panel, it is very easy to monitor the viewers on your web site in a great detail. You can pick in between a couple of well–liked stats tool – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which present you with details about the viewers to your site along with the articles they view on a daily, weekly and monthly principle.

You don’t have to put together anything at all in advance to get website traffic details for your websites. Within the Traffic Reports area of the Online Control Panel, simply open up the information file for a selected website and get the figures you will need for your advertising strategies.

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CPU Statistics

Monitor your websites’ server load

The server’s CPU is very important for the interaction between your web site and its site visitors. The more complex and resource–absorbing your web sites are, the more server assets and CPU time will be required for them to run.

From the CPU statistics area of the Online Control Panel, it will be possible to monitor the utilization of CPU power generated by all of your web sites. This will permit you to consider appropriate actions and optimize your sites if the CPU consumption allocation is exceeded. You will find detailed CPU stats for every day and month as well as for a full year.

Hepsia File Manager