Marketing Applications
Zero–cost Marketing Applications built into your Online Control Panel

Making use of our Marketing Applications, you can easily focus on your website’s popularity straight from your Online Control Panel. With the Sitemap Generator you can get complete sitemap for your site in no time. You can easily submit the sitemap to search engines so they could index your website in the shortest time. Furthermore, from the RSS News tool, you’ll be able to install consistently kept up to date information on your site, which is a promise for better listing positions with search engines. Ur Hidden Hosting’s GeoIP redirection application will allow you to re–direct customers coming from a specified region into a specified language version of your website for more precise targeting end results.
A Sitemap Generator
A sitemap creator integrated directly into your Online Control Panel
In case you have just released your website and want it to be listed quicker from the the search engines, or if you need to offer your users an easy way to navigate through all of your web pages, then you’ll need to employ a sitemap. Sitemap is a a set of all the webpages on your web site that are hyperlinked to. Often, you need to turn to 3rd party applications to to get that done, nevertheless with Ur Hidden Hosting, you have access to a Sitemap Generator incorporated straight into the Online Control Panel.
The Sitemap Generator we offer is really easy to navigate and since it is truly suitable for Ur Hidden Hosting’s cloud web hosting platform – your site is going to be crawled very quickly.
GeoIP Redirection
Quick location–driven redirection
We supply a straightforward application, which will help you to narrow the visitors of your web site in accordance with their area. For example, with the GeoIP redirection instrument, you can quickly forward all the traffic from Spain towards the Spanish version of your web site if you’ve got such. This enables you to focus on your web visitors a lot more precisely and supply them with the onsite experience they expect to have.
No particular capabilities or tech experience are needed to make use of the GeoIP redirection instrument, and you will no longer need to use .htaccess files to get the job done.
RSS News
Show the most current headlines within your site
In the Ur Hidden Hosting Online Control Panel, we’ve built–in a tool, which lets you insert news from the most preferred news sites on Earth inside your sites, with just a click. Our News Publication application functions on auto–pilot and doesn’t require any extra configuration work on your part,
The RSS News Syndication module is fully customizable in terms of HTML and CSS. You’ll be able to customize the total number of news items that are going to be shown, exactly how they will look like, exactly how they will be formatted, and so on.