The term overselling refers to offering system resources to clients without having the capacity to provide them. In simple words, an Internet hosting provider may advertise a solution with limitless disk space when, in fact, the customer's account will be created on a server with a lot of other accounts sharing the total space. To ensure that all the consumers have their share, providers often set hidden quotas for each and every account and thus deceive their customers about the resources they can benefit from. The main reason to oversell is to find new customers although service providers know that a server can have only so many hard disk drives. Resellers frequently purchase packages with fixed system resources too, so they cannot provide the unlimited plans they advertise.
No Overselling in Web Hosting
You'll never run into a situation where you won't be able to use some of the attributes we offer with our web hosting plans as we do not oversell and we actually provide what offer you. Leaving aside the fact that developing mutual trust is something we believe in, we can afford to offer you even unrestricted features because unlike the majority of rivals, we do not run everything on a single server. Instead, we have built an advanced cloud platform where the file storage, databases, Control Panel, emails, and just about any other service has an individual cluster of servers to manage them. This setup enables us to attach hard disk drives for more disk space and whole machines for extra computing power, so that we can never run out of system resources. Our Hepsia Control Panel was created to run in the cloud, so if you purchase one of our hosting packages, you shall be able to use what you have paid for at all times.
No Overselling in Semi-dedicated Servers
We don't oversell not only because we do not believe in such practices, but in addition because we can actually provide all characteristics that are advertised for our semi-dedicated server plans, including the unlimited ones. This can be done as a result of our state-of-the-art custom-built cluster platform that will allow you to utilize more system resources than any other company can afford to provide with this type of internet hosting. While most of our competitors run everything on a single server and their Control Panels are designed to work in such a way, we have separate clusters for the file storage, email addresses, databases, etcetera, and our Hepsia Control Panel was built to work on such a platform. Our semi-dedicated plans come with several unlimited attributes as we can expand any of our clusters by adding extra machines, so the features we offer are in fact unlimited and you will not end up paying for something that you cannot really use.